So it seems you have either stumbled upon our channel on YouTube or for whatever other reason just found and visited our website. In any case you may be wondering who we actually are and why this channel and website suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Well.. so this blog entry is our way of saying “Hello World” and briefly introduce us and our motivation.

So long story short: We’re just three tech interested guys that recently decided to start a YouTube channel and see where this is going.
[ TODO: we still need some fancy group picture… ]
A bit more elaborated, we all just recently graduated from the same university (University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria) which is also in short the story on how we came to know each other. Now being students in the field of computer science, it’s needless to say that we are also really into tinkering with all kinds of electronics or code. From simply building and upgrading our own PC all the way to all sorts of other little hardware or software projects.
Now having said that, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that each of us has also been following a number of different tech YouTube channels for a while now (and will continue to do so) .
So upon finally finishing our studies and receiving our degrees in the fields of software engineering and interactive media respectively, we finally had time to think of different things again and not just frantically trying to finish our master thesis on time.
So the idea of starting our own youtube channel somehow came to mind (well actually just one of us to begin with :P). Fast forward a few weeks, several evenings of discussing different ideas and a few beers and shishas later, we finally successfully managed to talk each other into really doing this. Add another few weeks of building the first version of a set (parts of which we will show in our next post) and honestly wasting way too much time on all sorts of stuff as none of us had any experience in this area when coming into this.. well.. here we are, finally posting our first blog entry on our shiny new website and releasing our first video on youtube soon :)
So what to expect from us and this channel in the foreseeable future? Well for the next weeks and months we already have a few projects and videos planned, so stay tuned for those if you enjoyed what you’ve seen so far.
In general we will aim to somewhat regularly produce videos on all sorts of tech and modding related stuff. This of course includes PC builds, mods, reviews of gadgets we can get hold of, but also all sorts of other related content that we deem interesting or projects we enjoy realizing. But please bear in mind that we all do have a regular dayjob and are doing all of of this as a hobby in our free time. So maybe don’t be all too harsh on us ;)
If you have any questions or ideas on what we could do next just post them in the comments!