UI Request

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in Themes .
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Is there anyway you could set it so If you want multiplewidgets you could create a slideshow instead of having to fit them all on the screen at once? like a way to set it up so each widget that someone makes is on the screen for a certain interval of time and then the next widget appears on screen? That way you'd have an amazing hardware monitor that look great and could be in a small enough package to put the ryujin pr nzxt aio's with lcd's to shame. I know some of the gauges get...... fuzzy at low resolution, but if a single widget could fit on a 2.2"-2.9" lcd that'd be awesome and waaay better looking than anything anyone else is doing, and the simpler medusa gauges will work at that size.

Replies 1 - 14 (14)

Hey @Knox,

I moved your topic in the Themes-Discussion. A theme is just a HTML-page that you can edit. We have plans for making theme editable with a gui inside the desktop-app but that will take a while. We also want to make themes easy shareable so that people who have html skills and create their own, can share it with others.

So if you want you could already create a theme like you describe with a slideshow that automatically changes gauges! You just need to create the HTML, CSS and JS for it. 

We'll release a Guide on how to create Themes soon.

~ Mike

I've been programming java for a total of 3 days, so please excuse my ignorance, and if I write it in java8 will it work with this?

Not really. You can take a look at the code if you look at one of the themes. Currently themes are located here:


They consist of a index.html that is displayed on the pi, when you switch to that theme via the MoBro windows app. Inside that index.html a Javascript is loaded that handles getting the data over the network and also displays changed values in the html file. With the CSS file you can style the html dom nodes like a normal website. 

We'll be creating a blog posting soon and go more into detail on how you can change themes if you know some HTMK, CSS and JS. 

In the future you will be able to customize all that via a GUI so you don't need any coding skills, but creating that will still take some time.

I totally understand how that takes time. I'll play around and see what I can do.

Oh, and it was in app-1.0.0-beta2, not beta1. Is your github repository public?

Hey @Knox,

the latest version is indeed app-1.0.0-beta2. If you have the beta2 version you can actually copy the files from



C:\xxx\AppData\Local\Mobro_Local\public\theme\dubbadhar and just rewrite them as you wish. This way your changes won't be lost after the next update, since the files are first served from Mobro_Local and if they dont exist from the Mobro\app-xxx directory.

~ Dave

Ok cool. I made my way to the repository from the code, but I dunno if its considered rude to just go through someones repository. Im an ambitious noob at all of this.

The reason the repository is public, is for it to be gone trough by other people ;) its not rude at all and feel free to go over it.

I'm using a 1080p screen. But i have a “gap” 2-3cm on each side. Any ideas?


What screen? Phone? Computer? Pi?

You guys didn't “add" dubbadhars theme, you took it apart and recreated it in html (if i understood it correctly). I'm equally amazed and jealous.

Using a screen with pi 3 b+ over hdmi


I'm using a 1080p screen. But i have a “gap” 2-3cm on each side. Any ideas?

The theme tries to be as responsive as possible to work with every screen size, but currently it just can't be pixel perfect. So there might be some small spaces at some point.

What you can try to do is take a look at the CSS-Code of the theme and try to adjust it yourself. We're going to release a blog post about editing themes this weekend.

We're planning a feature where you can adjust the widgets on the Pi to your liking with a user interface, but that feature will still take some time. 


You guys didn't “add" dubbadhars theme, you took it apart and recreated it in html (if i understood it correctly). I'm equally amazed and jealous.

Yes that's exactly what we did :P 

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