Du suchst schon lange nach einer Lösung über einen kleinen Bildschirm die Hardware Stats deines PCs ablesen zu können um so die Performance deines PCs tracken zu können?
In diesem Step by Step Guide werden wir dir unsere eigene Software zeigen, die wir entwickelt haben um die Daten deiner Hardware auslesen zu könne und in unserer Monitoring Software anzeigen zu können.
Yhea! Sie ist endlich da, unsere nukleare Powermaschine im Fallout-Stil.
Der PC hat alles was man zum Gamen braucht. Die neuste Grafik Karte von Nvidia, die Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 TI und den wassergekühlten Intel 8700k Prozessor. Um das System abzurunden, haben wir mit Hilfe eines 3D-Printers das originale Fallout Terminal gebaut um die Daten der Hardware mit unserer eigenen Monitoring Software in Echtzeit darstellen zu können.
Introduction So today we will review and have a closer look at ZeTime, a smartwatch designed by the swiss company MyKronoz. Or as they like to advertise it for themselves: the world’s first hybrid smartwatch combining mechanical hands with a round color touchscreen. The watch itself initially started off as a Kickstarter campaign, where they managed to collect a whopping 5.3 million dollar from over 26,000 backers. Being one of them, this also marks the...
Welcome Back! Welcome back to our blog! The last few days we have been busy building the setup for our studio where we will be filming our great shots and also creating the workspace we need to work on our projects. We also started to organize our projects in boxes so we can keep them sorted and have a good overview. The Wall So for our studio background we have decided to already do our...
Hey there! So it seems you have either stumbled upon our channel on YouTube or for whatever other reason just found and visited our website. In any case you may be wondering who we actually are and why this channel and website suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Well.. so this blog entry is our way of saying “Hello World” and briefly introduce us and our motivation. Who are we? So long story short: We’re just...
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