[BUG Report] Beta6 Raspberry Dashboard not updating

I expirience yet another strange behavior. Using the Default theme (not tested on others) - when i reboot my system (and with that also the raspberry) the dashboard will show up. But only 1 freezed frame. It is stuck on that first frame (with the dashboard at that time) until i go into the modbro applikation and klick on "configure" again. I do not need to change anything. but after that the screen on the raspberry will refresh all statistics normally.
Just made the exact same post in the Android section. Just noticed your post. Have the same problem. But mine also does it randomly. Not just when rebooting.
It also only happen with the new customisable themes. It doesnt happens with the old non customisable themes
Hey, thanks for posting the issue. seems like a problem with registering the channels when the timing is off or maybe on a disconnect.
@karoloydi does it work for you again if you open the configuration screen like naetschi mentioned?
I'll take a look if disconnects pose an issue or if the service is not ready and the device connects to early.
Hey guys, I've just checked some cases with connection loss etc. and found an issue with that. Can you please try to download this zip here https://www.mod-bros.com/patches/mobro/socket-reconnect-patch.zip and copy & replace the two files in it to <Drive>:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\MoBro\app-<version>\resources\resources\public
Hopefully that fixes your issue and please let me know if it does! Otherwise I'll have to dig deeper.
Fixed for me!
Fixed it for me, too!
Did not fix for me. I restarted the computer just in case and also tried to run the service as admin. Firewall is allowed both private and public.
Hey, thanks for posting the issue. seems like a problem with registering the channels when the timing is off or maybe on a disconnect.
@karoloydi does it work for you again if you open the configuration screen like naetschi mentioned?
I'll take a look if disconnects pose an issue or if the service is not ready and the device connects to early.
Yes, when I open configuration it reconnects. I'm on Android. Not sure if that's why it didn't fix it for me
Thanks for the quick feedback guys. @karoloydi are you using our android app? have you tried wiping your apps from the RAM? maybe the old files are cached in the app, I got it to work on my phone with the fix.
Thanks for the quick feedback guys. @karoloydi are you using our android app? have you tried wiping your apps from the RAM? maybe the old files are cached in the app, I got it to work on my phone with the fix.
Perfect, glad to hear so, will include the fix in the next version! Thank you guys for your feedback!