Desktop app not running properly

I just formatted my pc and went ahead reinstalling Mobro. As soon as I install it it run just fine and communicate properly with my raspberry but as I restart windows (win11 pro btw) the app run on background and there is no communication. If I quit every process and service then restart them the application window open and communicate with my Pi but data isn't trasmitted. I noticed that even wiping every file and folder before reinstalling (even wiping the registry key for the service) the problem isn't fixed. More on this, when I install Mobo I get no error but the app says that Mobo service is uninstalled while it's listed and running when checking services.
I've been trying every fix I've found during the last 24h but nothing seems to work.
EDIT: it has to be related to app startup since disabling startup and opening it manually everything is just fine. actually not everything..the service still running but application keep saying “uninstalled”.
Hi Frankie, have exactly the same issue since i reinstalled my windows. I can only to get it to work, if i manually start it over the task scheduler, but then my user credentialsm will not login and i have the windows pop up all the time, with or without the startup settings applied in the software.
+1 I have the same issue
Same here. Autostart dont work.
Similar problem here, does anyone solved this issue?