Android app screen saver option?

Hi is there a screen saver option in the Android app yet? I downloaded the latest version from the Google Play Store, but I don't see the option anywhere.
Hi @tocirahl
no unfortunately we haven't added that feature to the Android app yet.
It's already on the feature list though, so we will definitely implement it. It's just gonna take some time since we're a bit busy with other stuff.
Thanks for the feedback though :)
Anything else you're missing in the Android app?
I was thinking of picking up a cheap Amazon Fire 7 tablet as a dedicated device to run MoBro for my PC; I tested it out on my Galaxy S20, and it looks great, but the only complaint I have is that when the PC is turned off, the MoBro screen just freezes. I haven't tried the app on a tablet yet, so I don't know if the layout will look ok, but like I said the main issue I have is the behavior when not connected to the PC.
I was thinking that a tablet would be better than a Raspberry Pi + Display for a couple reasons:
#1 it's cheaper
#2 it looks nicer (since there's no ugly, uncovered display)
#3 the tablet has auto-brightness, which is useful for my room
Let me know when you guys will be able to implement a screen saver on the Android app!
If I could put in an additional request, it would be wonderful if you could add a screensaver that was just the time, or maybe time + date + weather, so that the screen can be used as a clock when it's not monitoring
Yeah sure, a screensaver that displays date + time will be one of the first we'll add.
I guess since a phone offers way more flexibility in terms of input capabilities, menus, etc. we'll implement it in a way that it will be customizable in the settings.
I was thinking of picking up a cheap Amazon Fire 7 tablet as a dedicated device to run MoBro for my PC; I tested it out on my Galaxy S20, and it looks great, but the only complaint I have is that when the PC is turned off, the MoBro screen just freezes. I haven't tried the app on a tablet yet, so I don't know if the layout will look ok, but like I said the main issue I have is the behavior when not connected to the PC.
I was thinking that a tablet would be better than a Raspberry Pi + Display for a couple reasons:
#1 it's cheaper
#2 it looks nicer (since there's no ugly, uncovered display)
#3 the tablet has auto-brightness, which is useful for my room
Let me know when you guys will be able to implement a screen saver on the Android app!
I have been working on automating power on and off of the tablet based on computer status (computer on or off).
There is a way if your tablet is rooted to turn it on when power supply is available (when pc boots for instance if bios ERP is adjusted)
I have been using macrodroid app (~5euro) to build a macro that turns Mobro app on when tablet is booting, an that shuts my tablet off when (usb) power supply shuts off.
My only problem is that tablet consumes more power than pc can supply at desired brightness. So the fix was an Usb switch on/off, so when my computer shuts down I can decide to keep charging the tablet or turn the button off. (And therefore didn't changed bios ERP settings)
Then I am also using vysor app on my computer so I can control my tablet from the computer and set brightness, shut down, … as I wish.
I will now check if there is a way to force my tablet using less power so it can be fully automated , “switch-free” at desired brightness.