App UI bugs with monitoring

I have the latest version of PC monitoring software installed - 1.0.0-beta1
When I launch the android app, which is also fully updated, things initially appear fine.
I choose 'Show PC Stats'. The screen loads for a few seconds and then I'm presented with this
I'm unable to tap on anything on the screen other than the android controls at the bottom.
Looks like image links didn't work when posting on the forum.
The screenshot is here

Hi barrelMonkey
Yes that issue is already on my list. But thanks for reporting it anyways :)
If you just click on 'Show PC Stats' once and don't touch the screen afterwards you should normally be fine.
Just touching the screen while the monitoring is active currently causes the android navigation buttons and status bar to appear.
I hope to be able to fix that issue soon.
We just updated the Android app to version 1.0.4 and fixed a few things.
The issue with the android controls being displayed as soon as you tap on anything in the MoBro theme should be fixed now.
So features like e.g. the ‘control’ tab in the Fallout theme and the included music controls there are now also usable on the phone ;)