Desktop app showing two connected Pi's is that normal?

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Hi ModBros

Hope all is well.

My desktop app is showing that there are 2 Pi's connected (same I.P.) but that is not the case.

Is this normal? It does appear that the Pi starts the app twice as well!

Here's a pic of the desktop app connection page:


Here's a pic of my Pi's screen with a simple mod to the default theme


I'm running Beta3 of the desktop app and v10.7 of the Pi app.




Replies 1 - 2 (2)

Hi @Erks 

No, that's not normal and definitely some kind of bug.

What exactly do you mean by “It does appear that the Pi starts the app twice as well”?
Like do you see screens pop up multiple times or something?
Also, did this happen right after you started the Pi or after it was already running for some time?

Normally a restart of the Pi should quickly fix the situation in this case (at least for the moment).
But would be nice if we can find out why this happens in the first place so we can fix the bug.

Also nice little theme mod you made there :)

Hi @Seraksab 

Yes I see the stats screen pop up and then it seems to reload again. It's not an issue at the moment but I thought I would point it out to yourselves.

My theme is such a simple mod but I love it and it goes with the theme of my setup.

Thanks you for your great work.



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