I just finished my first Dubbadhar layout and I really like how you can costumize the themes. I know I need a new gpu lol. And I still need look over the current stats displayed so this is more about the layout, which probably needs a bit lining up here and there. I run it on a rpi 4b with a 1920x1080 24" LCD as display.

Quick layout I made for my build:
(FPS graph is rather static on video as game is in background for recording, but works normally when I play. Fans are on louder side as I was in middle of reconfiguring fan curves to compensate new device inside of case). What y'all think?
Here my modified dubbadhar - red by LeonPro12 (good only for 4:3)

Can you share these themes ??
All credits should go to mod-bros.com team and their wonderful software!!!
Thank you!
Top one is default dubbadhar.
Quick layout I made for my build:
(FPS graph is rather static on video as game is in background for recording, but works normally when I play. Fans are on louder side as I was in middle of reconfiguring fan curves to compensate new device inside of case). What y'all think?
I am super curious how you made those colored bars on the right... Never mind, figured it out :) Found the gif online…
I also use a RX 570 8GB Sapphire Nitro+ as my GPU on a new build. It is not a shame. It is a shame the price of new GPUs and the marketing the GPU makers do to try to convince you that your perfectly fine GPU is old or under performance.
By the way, I liked your Theme Layout, I would like to know how do you use your Monitors layout, side by side?
alset77, please, how did you manage to add a clock to your theme?