Stuck on splash screen after set_root_configurable

Hello, I just installed v12.3 on my rPi 3B but I need to install drivers for the 2.8" PiTFt. So, I SSH in and set_root_configurable to disable OverlayFS (like it says in this article After the restart, I am stuck on the MOBRO (ModBros Monitor Bro) splash screen and can't SSH back in.
My problem seems exactly like this problem ( but after reflashing the SD card, it still happens.
Also, like this problem ( I am on Wifi, pi is not on the network after reboot, Model 3B.
Any thoughts anyone has on this?
Let me know if there is more relevant info I should have provided.
Thank you!
I ended up using a wired connection for the rPi after I set_root_configurable and then it was able to hop back on the network.
I had the same issue, once I did that the Pi failed to reconnect to my router and get an IP. In the end I flashed the SD card fresh and disabled reFS on initial set up. Did the driver install for my display and set_default after it was all done.