Hi, I stumbled across ModBros while watching a Jays2Cent video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTdniu3gn3Y&t=526s
While they went a different route, the did mention ModBros, which I went down a rabbit hole with. I already had a PIw, so I ordered a HyperPixel 4.0 display (which turned up today) and went around tinkering with themes.
This based on the default theme

This based on the dubbadhar theme

My intention is to create a theme with elements of both.
My question though, while I can show the usage for the 4 SSDs that I have in this system and can label them based on the drive id, 0, 0/1 etc, is there a way to get the drive name like it shows in the desktop sensor screen

It shows it as a title when looking at the sensor data http://localhost:42001/api/sensors/data
"hardwaretype": "Storage",
"title": "INTEL SSDSC2CW480A3",
"id": "/hdd/0",
I'll be doing more tinkering later, Ive not been a developer for about 5 years and 10 years since I did any javascript based stuff, so I'm rusty, but its coming back… slowly.
I know the awesome guys are working on an SDK, but I couldnt resist having a play

Also, it did occur to me that the Echo Show would be a really good display for this, for example to have it check on my plex server, or even have the display while gaming etc.
Opening the browser version of the display works well, but there must be a way of making a skill to open it with a voice command, maybe a blueprint or something?
Hey @Reaver79
looking great so far! for getting the label of your ssd you could checkout the hardware data route like here https://github.com/ModBros/mobro-theme-dubbadhar/blob/18de82bdb43bc99abfa97388c213f65f2a80edd3/src/js/script.js#L113
maybe that helps, other than that you could also try listing to the monitor:data event on the socket with MobroSDK.getSocket().on("monitor:data") that should get you all sensor values. But it wouldnt be a bad idea i guess, when we add some of the hardware data to the sensor data when emitting it to devices. Ill take that on my list
cheers Dave

On the list in no particular order
- Add GPU temps as a bar along the bottom
- Move the storage doughnuts to their own block, maybe convert them to bars
- Remove grey blocks around sections and tone down the green / yellow
- Group CPU usage with
- Add sensor for H110i to show pump speed
- Group GPU usage with fan speed
- Move / Change CPU and GPU history charts
- Do… something with ram and vram
- Add icon for Ryzen / Intel
- Re-Add animated Destiny loader
- Add icon for destiny
- More !!!

On the left: Gaming PC, AMD Ryzen CPU, Nvidia GTX1080
On the right: Plex Media server, Intel CPU, No GPU
Theme changes the CPU and GPU icons based on what is fed back through ModBros, in the case of no GPU, the temp gauge on displays the destiny logo

Test fit inside case

LEFT: Gaming PC, now showing drives, AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU, 4 drives total
RIGHT: Plex Server, also showing all drives, AMD CPU, no GPU, 8 drives total, as no GPU, now defaults to show RAM usage
Same theme applied to both machines, it works out which drives to show by checking the datastream, for now, the desktop ModBros App needs to be used to link the Drive display to the Physical drive in the machine. There may be a way to automate this, will keep working on it.
Hey @Reaver79,
wow really nice work!
hi reraver is there an easy way to get this theme ? i really like it
its a destiny theme yes?
i would really appreciate it if you could put it all in a package and allow me to download it and simply add it to my package of themes please that would be great dear friend
How did you get the HyperPixel working on modbro?